Sampler bags/boxes go on sale April 1, 2012. I would love to add more handmade products and direct sales samples to have it overflowing with goodies.
Here is a small list of what I am looking for to add to the sampler boxes. If you make them contact me or fill out the application form on my website!
I am flexible on my rules as far as size is concerned, so if you would like to participate and need me to accommodate your needs just ask! I am always happy to help where I can!
Organic or natural tea
Crochet applique pieces
Fabric applique pieces
Organic or natural Soap
Natural Candles Crochet items
Knitted items
mini journals
mini thank you cards Eco-friendly items
I've moved the mail out deadline to March 15th. Please visit my website and fill out the application and join this wonderful farm girl mission!
There will also be direct sales samples included in our sampler bags with the handmade products. We have 4 companies participating (Mary Kay, Watkins Naturals and Chartreuse Products and Tupperware)
We still need samples from these companies listed below. If you sell for them and would like to be included in the sampler program, fill out the application today! Visit: Sunshine Farm Girl Co-op click on sampler application tab on the left navigation side of the page. *Avon
* Thirty-One
* Pampered Chef
* Stampin-Up
* Home Interiors
* Diva Girl Party
* Between Moms
* Creative Memories If you sell for a company not on the list, please contact me. These are just ones I know about. There are so many these days it is hard to keep track of them all.
Misery loves company so they say and I guess that is why I am writing this today even though I feel miserable. The weather changes finally have hit home and I just felt like I should have stayed in bed this morning. I woke up feeling shaky and achy all over. It looked like it was better after I ate breakfast but sadly that old icky feeling crept back on me after lunch.
My sweetie pie daughter brought me home celery and carrots about a week ago and they have been starring at me every time I opened the fridge door. So, a homemade vegetable soup was in order to chase away this bug that found it's way to my door.
First, I got out my selection of spices I thought would encourage healing. Organic Watkins Garlic powder, onion powder, rosemary and 365 turmeric powder.
Next, came the organic carrots and celery to soak in baking soda to remove any dirt and bacteria. I usually soak them for 10 minutes then rinse with cold water.
Chop, chop, chop and now I'm ready for another nap. Who knew you could get a good workout just from chopping up 2 bags of celery and 1 bag of carrots! lol
Here they are, all my hard work cooking away in my lovely stainless steel Princess House stock pot with glass lid. I am definitely putting this pot to good use and getting my monies worth out of it weekly. It never complains either that it is being used again!!! hehe!!!
I'll let you know tomorrow if it chased the icky bug away. I plan on freezing into portions for my dinners. I can add pasta or sweet potatoes one night and acorn squash and turkey another night. Yumm!!! Let me know what your favorite "Feel better soup" is, would ya?
Inspiration has to come from some place. It doesn't just happen. It could be something you've seen before or seen for the first time. It could be something you've read, heard or imagined. This week our spotlight member's shop is all about building on the best source of inspiration you can find. But, don't take my word for it, see for yourself.
Head on over to my website blog and read all about will change your life! Click here.....
Become a new follower while you are there and browse around the website and see all we have to offer.....Life is good when it is shared with others.....especially those you care about. ********************Play to Win!*****************************************
Bible Trivia: What makes a rainbow so special? Where is the scripture in the Bible? Post it here. Let's see who is the first one to send in the right answer. The first one to post the correct answer will win one of my Bible calendar logs! Wahoo!!!
Sweet Blessings,