Welcome to Jeanpatch blog! We are glad you are sharing a part of your day with us. Fleas are such a hard insect to get rid of and here in Florida they are giving us a fit this year. But, before you break out the arsenal of deadly chemicals to kill them, stop and read this first.
This is how my family treats the flea problems here in Florida and I hope you will give it a try. It is safe for you and your pets.
There's only one pesticide, natural or otherwise, that's a specific for insects and completely safe. Diatomaceous earth is a type of fossilized algae that resembles chalk dust. The fine, sharp-edged particles attach themselves to and penetrate the waxy coating on a flea's shell-like exoskeleton, causing the little bloodsucker to dehydrate and die.
Read more: http://www.motherearthnews.com/homesteading-and-livestock/natural-flea-control-zmaz85mjzraw.aspx#ixzz2zG63dxuX
My plan of action for these pests is always an all natural one. This part of Florida seems to be getting a strong out break of the fleas this year. At the health food store where my daughter works, people are coming in saying that even the Vet prescribed type of flea control is not working.
So, I have been researching and found several ways to kill them naturally that won't hurt you or your pets. The first one is the above mentioned powder, Diatomaceous earth, that can be bought at any hardware or home improvement store. We bought ours for around $10.00 for a huge bag.
Next, I found that several herbs do a good job and one being Rosemary. So, I followed the directions on one site and it said to boil 2 cups of the leaves in 2 quarts of water for 30 minutes. I did a low boil. Then, you put in your pets cloth collar or cut strips of flannel fabric like I did and soak for several hours. Let the liquid cool then hang the collar or flannel up to dry.
After, it is dry put it on your pet. Be sure to wash them first with a natural flea soap and their bedding as well.
I'll let you know in about a month if the flea problem gets under control. Anything that you use that is natural always takes longer to work, but once it starts it does the job perfectly! Here is our little guy wearing his flannel soaked in Rosemary for natural flea control. We shaved his fur down short so we could see his skin and any fleas.
Thank you for visiting Jeanpatch Blog today and I hope this information helps you and your pet get rid of fleas naturally.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
A Holy Night and A Day To Meditate
Here I am with my daughter and her co-worker (back row) and her two sweet and adorable grand-daughter's at a very special celebration we attended last night, The Lord's Evening Meal.
To me and my family Jesus did the most loving thing that any human can do for another, he gave his life so that we could have our sins forgiven and have the hope for everlasting life on a clean and beautiful earth! John 3:16, 36
One of my friends is dealing with her second round of cancer. We are all praying for her.
We got home around 9:30 p.m. and I put my dinner in the oven, fish and yucca. It was a late night for me but I would not miss it for anything short of death.
The Lord's Evening Meal is the only celebration in the bible that Jesus commanded us to do in remembrance of what he did for us. Therefore, you will not ever see any posts on my blog about any other holiday.
His resurrection is not even celebrated in the bible, so that is why I do not celebrate the worldly holiday of Easter. It is in fact a pagan holiday celebration. If you research all the holiday's you will find they all started in pagan religions and are not Christian at all.
I am not condemning anyone who decides to celebrate any holiday, that is your choice. But, what I get puzzled about is why people react so shocked when someone does not celebrate a holiday they think is so wonderful when in fact they are not celebrating a Christian holiday but a pagan one! (This information is for education purposes only)
The bible says that we can hurt God with our actions and attitude and I for one do not want to make him feel regret for my actions. I want to do what Proverbs 27:11 says: "Be wise my son or daughter and make my heart rejoice so that I may give a reply to the one that is taunting me."
Soon, Jesus is going to come to rid the earth of all who oppose God and his Son Christ Jesus. I want to be on the side that survives, don't you!
Psalms 37: 10, 11, Daniel 2:44
I want to live on the earth and have perfect health so I can do all the things we were meant to do, serve God and enjoy life!
If you would like more information about what the bible really teaches, feel free to contact me. I am a bible instructor and can conduct a free bible study with you online using google hangout. Email me at easybiblelessonsonline@gmail.com
Have a blessed day!
Religion Facts
Encyclopedia Britannica
free bible study,
holy night,
Lord's evening meal,
Friday, April 11, 2014
Faithful Friday: T.G.I.F. Scripture of the Day!
Take time this weekend and reflect on these four words that express what I think of when I think of T.G.I.F.! T stands for Trust. G stands for Good news. I stands for Integrity. F stands for Faith. Find out what they mean to you. Discover who you really are and where you are really going. Even if you are not religious, read these four scriptures and use the cross reference and see if you learn something new!
If you don't have a copy of the bible you understand, click here to read one in modern English. It is the most accurate translation available world-wide.
Play the Game: What four words can you think of using these four letters and the scriptures for T.G.I.F.? Leave them in your comments below!
Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Trust - Psalms 84:12: "O Jehovah of armies, Happy is the man (woman) who trusts in you."
Good News - Matthew 24:14: "And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come."
Integrity - Psalms 26:11: "But as for me, I will walk in my integrity..."
Faith - John 3:16 - "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
Read God's word the bible daily!
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Inspiring Travel Destinations In Florida: Blue Springs State Park
Blue Springs State Park - Orange City, Florida
I've lived in Florida for the last 51 years, okay, I was born and raised here. My family dates back to the Mayflower and not too long after landing they headed straight for Florida. I guess they liked things peaceful and quiet.
I've visited a few springs here in Florida and plan to visit a few more in the future. Here is a short list of the ones I have been to:

Along with swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving you can also rent canoes. Beware, there are Alligator's in all of Florida's water holes, not just fish and manatees. They won't bother you as long as you don't bother them. For more information about this park visit this site Florida State Parks.
Florida has 161 state parks and 10 state trials.
Bring your fishing gear along, swim suits, sun screen, ray-bans and a picnic lunch and you'll be all set to visit any of these great parks in Central Florida!
I've lived in Florida for the last 51 years, okay, I was born and raised here. My family dates back to the Mayflower and not too long after landing they headed straight for Florida. I guess they liked things peaceful and quiet.
I've visited a few springs here in Florida and plan to visit a few more in the future. Here is a short list of the ones I have been to:
- Rock Springs also known as Kelly Springs
- Blue Springs
- Wekiwa Springs
- Silver Springs
- Cedar Key Scrub
- Collier-Seminole
- Deleon Springs
- Hontoon Island
Along with swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving you can also rent canoes. Beware, there are Alligator's in all of Florida's water holes, not just fish and manatees. They won't bother you as long as you don't bother them. For more information about this park visit this site Florida State Parks.
Florida has 161 state parks and 10 state trials.
Bring your fishing gear along, swim suits, sun screen, ray-bans and a picnic lunch and you'll be all set to visit any of these great parks in Central Florida!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
5 Tips For A Beating Anxiety and Depression: Change Your Attitude! Change Your Life!
Make Monday's magical and beat the Monday blues. Use these 5 tips for beating depression. First, start off your day with a big smile on your face. Before you even get out of bed, smile. It really works to change your mental attitude if you smile instead of frown. Give it a try and see if you don't notice the difference. My favorite gratitude journal says; Change Your Attitude! Change Your Life!
Do this easy exercise every day of the week and you'll beat not only the Monday blues, but you'll ward off negative thinking any day of the week! I have Lyme disease and use these methods to help me to deal better with situations when I get depressed and stressed.
Magical Monday: Do these 5 things starting on Monday and ending on Sunday to turn a moody day into a magical day! Write down in a gratitude journal these five categories; home, family, friends, phone and public. Take it with you if you leave the house and re-read it throughout the day if you feel your mood turning negative. At the end of the day, make notes next to each one as to how it turned out and how you felt afterward.
Do this easy exercise every day of the week and you'll beat not only the Monday blues, but you'll ward off negative thinking any day of the week! I have Lyme disease and use these methods to help me to deal better with situations when I get depressed and stressed.
Magical Monday: Do these 5 things starting on Monday and ending on Sunday to turn a moody day into a magical day! Write down in a gratitude journal these five categories; home, family, friends, phone and public. Take it with you if you leave the house and re-read it throughout the day if you feel your mood turning negative. At the end of the day, make notes next to each one as to how it turned out and how you felt afterward.
- Write down 5 things you are thankful for in your life (family)
- Smile to 5 people (public)
- Eat something new for breakfast (i.e. fruit, nut butter or seed butter, quinoa) (home)
- Do something nice for 5 of your (friends)
- Be patient and kind when using the (phone)
- Thankful Tuesday (tell others 'thank you')
- Wordless Wednesday (think before you speak)
- Thriving Thursday (take time for yourself, grow a garden)
- Faithful Friday (read the bible, show forgiveness not resentment)
- Surviving Saturday (make each chore, errand or task shine)
- Servitude Sunday (do kind and helpful things for others)
Friday, April 4, 2014
Faithful Friday: T.G.I.F.!
T.G.I.F.! What does that mean to you? If you learn one thing about me today from this blog post it will be that I am not a follower of human tradition. I am a follower of something much bigger than that, it is out of this world.
T - Tradition - Matthew 15:6
G - Garden - Genesis 2:15
I - Industriousness - Proverbs 6:6
F - Faith - Hebrews 11:1
Garden equals industriousness
Faith equals tradition
Take time this weekend and reflect on these four words, tradition, garden, industriousness and faith. Find out what they mean to you. Discover who you really are and where you are really going. Even if you are not religious, read these four scriptures and use the cross reference and see if you learn something new!
Play the Game: What four words can you think of using the scriptures for T.G.I.F.? Leave them in your comments below!
Have a great weekend!
T - Tradition - Matthew 15:6
G - Garden - Genesis 2:15
I - Industriousness - Proverbs 6:6
F - Faith - Hebrews 11:1
Garden equals industriousness
Take time this weekend and reflect on these four words, tradition, garden, industriousness and faith. Find out what they mean to you. Discover who you really are and where you are really going. Even if you are not religious, read these four scriptures and use the cross reference and see if you learn something new!
Play the Game: What four words can you think of using the scriptures for T.G.I.F.? Leave them in your comments below!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Crafter's Wanted: Guaranteed Product Placement Advertising
Yesterday you saw me out in the community of Deltona, Florida promoting the handmade artists products from all over the U.S. This kind of marketing is a huge success! It is so much better than any print ad you pay for because you don't know who will read it and if they will buy from you or not.
But, with my kind of personal marketing technique you are guaranteed to have your products and business card placed in the hands of a potential customer. If you would like to have your products promoted by my company, Markets of Sunshine, visit our website and join today. Here is the link to our join page, click here!
In the last three years I have promoted my vendors on over 200 different media sites both online and offline. We have been featured on blogs, online magazines, national magazines, websites, YouTube, Facebook ads, product reviews, Celebrity Gifting, TV advertising, print ads, Gift subscriptions and direct marketing as you saw in yesterday's post.
Where else can you get all of this for less than a $1 a day? There isn't anywhere that I have found. With our group advertising efforts we have made Markets of Sunshine known throughout the world. We have clients in Japan, UK and Canada!
I am also the Captain of our Etsy Team, Markets of Sunshine Promotion Team. We have won two Fellowship Awards in the last two years. We had our own book published with the ad of Etsy's program in 2012. We also won the Etsy Team Spirit Award in 2012. We might be a small team but we are full of spirit and we help each other to success.
If you are wanting to get the word out about your business the way I have mentioned here, then we'd love to have you on our team. We take family friendly and eco-friendly products only. We promote in al all occasion theme each month through our Gift of the Month Club program.
The great thing about my website is that you don't have to sell on Etsy to join. You don't even have to have computer skills. You can live anywhere in the U.S. All you have to have is a positive, patient and persistent attitude to succeed. It takes hard work and dedication to make a business successful. I'm here to give you that helping hand if you want it.
If you have any questions, use the contact button on my website, Markets of Sunshine.Com!
But, with my kind of personal marketing technique you are guaranteed to have your products and business card placed in the hands of a potential customer. If you would like to have your products promoted by my company, Markets of Sunshine, visit our website and join today. Here is the link to our join page, click here!
In the last three years I have promoted my vendors on over 200 different media sites both online and offline. We have been featured on blogs, online magazines, national magazines, websites, YouTube, Facebook ads, product reviews, Celebrity Gifting, TV advertising, print ads, Gift subscriptions and direct marketing as you saw in yesterday's post.
Where else can you get all of this for less than a $1 a day? There isn't anywhere that I have found. With our group advertising efforts we have made Markets of Sunshine known throughout the world. We have clients in Japan, UK and Canada!
I am also the Captain of our Etsy Team, Markets of Sunshine Promotion Team. We have won two Fellowship Awards in the last two years. We had our own book published with the ad of Etsy's program in 2012. We also won the Etsy Team Spirit Award in 2012. We might be a small team but we are full of spirit and we help each other to success.
If you are wanting to get the word out about your business the way I have mentioned here, then we'd love to have you on our team. We take family friendly and eco-friendly products only. We promote in al all occasion theme each month through our Gift of the Month Club program.
The great thing about my website is that you don't have to sell on Etsy to join. You don't even have to have computer skills. You can live anywhere in the U.S. All you have to have is a positive, patient and persistent attitude to succeed. It takes hard work and dedication to make a business successful. I'm here to give you that helping hand if you want it.
If you have any questions, use the contact button on my website, Markets of Sunshine.Com!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Product Promotion Day: Deltona's Newman Vet Clinic on Deltona Blvd.
Smile you're on Candid Camera! Do you remember that show back in the 70's? Business owner's were caught off guard and surprised by the show host who would play funny tricks on them. Well, I am taking my camera to local businesses and surprising them with products from my website Markets of Sunshine! Wahoo!
It is great fun to see the surprise on their faces when I tell them they are receiving a free gift today from Markets of Sunshine vendors! Today, I'll be going out to a local Vet's office here in Deltona, Florida, Newman Vet's located on Deltona Blvd. They will be totally surprised. I did visit their Twitter and Facebook pages and left a comment telling them I was coming. We'll see if they read it or not by their reaction that I'll catch for you on camera later today.
I don't tell them what time I'm coming in and they don't know what I look like so it will be a totally candid moment.
They'll be receiving our pet themed products today from Markets of Sunshine Etsy Seller's.
Aprons and Home Décor, Woodstream Dream, Stitchin Hip Chicks, CJW Design Village and Country Cents. click the link below to find out all about our Artists.
Tune in later today when I post the pictures of them receiving their free handmade products from Markets of Sunshine vendors!
It was so nice to meet members of the stall. They all loved the jewelry from CJW Design Village. Be sure to visit her shop and request a custom order for earrings, bracelets, necklaces and more!
It is great fun to see the surprise on their faces when I tell them they are receiving a free gift today from Markets of Sunshine vendors! Today, I'll be going out to a local Vet's office here in Deltona, Florida, Newman Vet's located on Deltona Blvd. They will be totally surprised. I did visit their Twitter and Facebook pages and left a comment telling them I was coming. We'll see if they read it or not by their reaction that I'll catch for you on camera later today.
I don't tell them what time I'm coming in and they don't know what I look like so it will be a totally candid moment.
They'll be receiving our pet themed products today from Markets of Sunshine Etsy Seller's.
Aprons and Home Décor, Woodstream Dream, Stitchin Hip Chicks, CJW Design Village and Country Cents. click the link below to find out all about our Artists.
Tune in later today when I post the pictures of them receiving their free handmade products from Markets of Sunshine vendors!
I even brought along 2 catnip toys for the resident cats on staff! Nacho and his pal are loving their toys and say a big Meow Thank You to Country Cents and Woodstream Dream for providing them with their free toys! Pick up a catnip toy for your fur-friend today. Visit our website to find out where you can purchase more great handmade products, click here!
We thank all our new friends at Newman's Vet Clinic for being such a great bunch and allowing us to take time out of your day to share some Sunshine with you!
Give us a shout out and tell us what you think about your surprise!
Sending You Sunshine!
Marsha Jaramillo
Markets of Sunshine
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Florida Vegetable Garden Tips: Germinating Heirloom Seeds
Why grow a vegetable garden? The benefits are endless. First, you get the satisfaction of raising your own food and saving money. Second, you gain better health by getting outdoors and taking in sunshine on a daily basis. Third, it helps your mental well being and makes you happier.
I have a beautiful variety of flowers and trees in my yard. I can grow just about anything, with the exception of edible plants. Since, my health is not as it was 10 years ago, I can not get out on a daily basis to weed and do bug control like I used to do in years past. So, my family has graciously volunteered to help me still have the enjoyment of a garden though the majority of the labor is their own and not so much mine.
We have been working at growing an organic vegetable garden now in our Central Florida backyard for the last three years with no success. We have either encountered bugs, heat or excessive rain that has killed our plants. We are not the type to give up trying, so we patiently keep looking for ideas and ways to overcome these obstacles.
We have used the layered method of newspaper and soil and put the seeds right into the ground. That did okay and the plants grew to about two feet and then died for no apparent reason.
We tried the square foot gardening and the same thing happens. The plants grow to a certain height and then die. If they get to grow to any substantial height the next attack is from the bugs.
So, this year we are trying the bag method. We bought those Walmart reusable bags that are about 2 feet tall and will fill them with the prepared potting soil mixture you see below. I got the mixture from reading different sites and combining all the suggestions into one mixture.
Here is what we are using this year.
To find out how to grow a vegetable garden in Florida or your state visit the local University Website and follow the growing guide for your area and county. For more information on sprouting seeds check out Hallmark's Home & Family garden expert, Shirley Bovshow.
As soon as they sprout I'll take more pictures and show you the progress as I go along in my planting stages. I also have potato seeds drying and will plant those in a few more weeks. If all goes well we will have enough vegetables for our family for the next few years. We will also share the left overs with our friends!
I hope you will give it a try and start your own vegetable garden with us. You'll save lots of money growing your own organic food as well as improve your overall health.
I have a beautiful variety of flowers and trees in my yard. I can grow just about anything, with the exception of edible plants. Since, my health is not as it was 10 years ago, I can not get out on a daily basis to weed and do bug control like I used to do in years past. So, my family has graciously volunteered to help me still have the enjoyment of a garden though the majority of the labor is their own and not so much mine.
We have been working at growing an organic vegetable garden now in our Central Florida backyard for the last three years with no success. We have either encountered bugs, heat or excessive rain that has killed our plants. We are not the type to give up trying, so we patiently keep looking for ideas and ways to overcome these obstacles.
We have used the layered method of newspaper and soil and put the seeds right into the ground. That did okay and the plants grew to about two feet and then died for no apparent reason.
We tried the square foot gardening and the same thing happens. The plants grow to a certain height and then die. If they get to grow to any substantial height the next attack is from the bugs.
So, this year we are trying the bag method. We bought those Walmart reusable bags that are about 2 feet tall and will fill them with the prepared potting soil mixture you see below. I got the mixture from reading different sites and combining all the suggestions into one mixture.
Here is what we are using this year.
- horse manure dried and then about 2 cups per bag (remember the last post I did about finding a local farm for stuff you need)
- compost (did my own)
- vegetable potting soil (miracle grow or other organic mix)
- Jiffy seed starting mix
- Peat pots
- vermiculite
- coffee grounds (takes a few weeks to release the nutrients in the soil)
- egg shells (crush into a powder)
- heirloom seeds (soak for 3 days as in the picture below)
To find out how to grow a vegetable garden in Florida or your state visit the local University Website and follow the growing guide for your area and county. For more information on sprouting seeds check out Hallmark's Home & Family garden expert, Shirley Bovshow.
As soon as they sprout I'll take more pictures and show you the progress as I go along in my planting stages. I also have potato seeds drying and will plant those in a few more weeks. If all goes well we will have enough vegetables for our family for the next few years. We will also share the left overs with our friends!
I hope you will give it a try and start your own vegetable garden with us. You'll save lots of money growing your own organic food as well as improve your overall health.
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