John 17:17- "Your word is truth". Now, the word truth here is not talking about the difference between good and evil. It is talking about the truth found in the Bible, God's holy word. He had it written down for our benefit. He even had that written down at 2 Timothy 3:16- "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, verse 17- that the man (woman) of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.
I hope that puts you in the frame of mind to meditate on just what you'd like to learn from God's word of truth.
You All Are Invited...............tomorrow starts the big Farm Girl month long treasury party on Etsy!!! You can come join other farm girls and seller's on Etsy for a hoopin and hollerin good time. We chat and pop in every now and again and pick up a new item on sale in one of our many Farm Girl team members shop that participates in the event.
I hope you will take time out of your day and drop by and bring home a farm girl gift or two. We always encouraging sharing!! Here is where we will be....SFGCTEAM....!!
Here are some of the items on sale!!! Enjoy!!!
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