Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 39: Maintain an Appreciative Attitude

Day 39: Maintain an Appreciative Attitude-There has been an upward trend on talk shows and in magazine articles about being grateful for what you have in order to be happy in life.  Everywhere, you turn these days there are more and more articles about that.  It is obvious from the world we live in today why this is so.

When they started televising wars on tv while they happened, that was a wrong turn for humanity.  So, how can you keep a positive attitude when there is violence and wars all around you?  Let's take it in three steps.

First, what does the bible teach?  "In connection with everything give thanks" 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Second, what is the challenge?- We are surrounded by badness, people who are haughty and unthankful, attitudes that can rub off on us. (2 Timothy 3:1,2)  And, we all have the tendency to add more on our plate than we can reasonably handle.  This causes us to become so preoccupied with our own problems that we fail to take the time to appreciate what we already have or what others do for us.

Third, what can you do?- Take time out to stop and be grateful for the good things in your life.  Sometime, we will feel overwhelmed by problems, but consider an example found in the Bible of King David.  He had his share of trials and problems. Some brought on by others and some by himself. At Psalms 143:3-5 we read how he never became unthankful but kept an appreciative attitude and remained content.

So the next time someone does something kind for you express your appreciation by thanking them.  And, remember that every good gift comes from God, so we should thank him in our prayers daily.  By regularly doing so we will maintain an appreciative spirit and cultivate contentment. Philippians 4:6, 7

Day 38: Just Say No!- This has always been hard for me.  I tend to think I should help everyone that asks me to.  But, I soon learned as I matured that you can't say Yes! all the time either.  You soon get burned out and used up.  I finally have learned how to negotiate with those who want favors all the time.  If they want me to do something that they are just too lazy to do themselves I give them conditions that I will do this for them if they can meet my conditions.

This soon stopped the favors from being asked all the time and the endless phone calls.  Why, do others think that your life is less important than theirs and that you have nothing better to do with your time than to be their personal secretary or do gooder?

I can tell you it feels good to take back my own time and do what I need to do and not be doing things that are others responsibilities.  Now, more than ever this is very important in my life. So take back your life, just say NO!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Marjean,
I had been checking this blog almost daily and truely appreciating your wisdom and willingness to share your thoughts.
We had to make a trip a couple of weeks ago and between trying to get ready at harvest time, traveling and trying to get back to normal I've been gone for a while. Even though we don't always respond, know that you are doing a very good deed here.

It does take time and concentration to appreciate the good around us. I'm just taking this moment to thank you and let you know you are apprecitated.