Do you YouTube? If not, it is a great way to promote your business or a great place to show off your DIY projects. Do you know how to add the little share buttons at the bottom of the posts here on Blogger? You can make a video about how to do that and it will get tons of views and likes. From there you can just keep adding more videos and the next thing you know you are popular and go viral.
I had no idea what I needed to do other than have a web cam or camcorder. I first googled "How to make a video on YouTube with your laptop". There was a great YouTube video done that showed exactly how to get started. It did take a little time for me to figure out how to upload it and find it in my documents file. But, after that little research I was 'live' on YouTube!
I've made two videos so far. One is about my website, Sunshine Farm Girl Co-op and our sampler bag. The second one is about one of my mixed media art journals. It is so much nicer to see a product on live video than just seeing it in a picture. YouTube even has their own fix-it features built right into the program. So, if you are a little shaky there is a fix-it button for that! If the lighting is not bright enough there is a fix-it button for that.
And, the cool thing is it tells you these issues so you can just hit the button and in a flash your video is now close to perfect. Of course, being an amateur at this means that your first few videos will be like a "B" movie. But, that's okay. It is fun to tweak your location and gain confidence in yourself and then over time your videos will improve and it will show.
Here are my first two that I made. Check them out and please 'like' them and subscribe!
Mixed Media Art Journal

Eco-Gift Sampler Bag

If you've already made a DIY video on YouTube please share it here in the comments section. I'd like to stop by and 'like' it for you. Stay tuned for more of my fun videos coming to my channel real soon!
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