Saturday, April 30, 2011

What's New In My Shop?

Happy Saturday!  I know for other's it does not look so good at present.  But, you have to look past the present situation to what things will be like down the road after you rebuild and put your life back together.  Time will heal the wound and you can be happy you are still alive to share the everyday happenings with your loved ones.  Keeping a daily routine is a great part of the recovery process.

                                                     "Shilly- Shally Bags"

So, here's what I've been working on in my home studio this week for my co-op and etsy shop.  I call them my "Shilly-Shally" bags, which means your everyday bag for whatever you want to use it for that day.  Maybe Monday you use it to pack your lingerie in for a trip. Then, when you're back home you may use it on Tuesday to put a sewing project in and keep by your chair while watching a favorite movie.  Then on Friday you can pack you lunch in it for the beach or park.  You get the picture!

You'll find them Jeanpatchbymk shop and in my Sunshine Farmgirl Co-op store.

                                                      Today is the last day to enter my contest for April.  You had to refer at least 5 people to my blog and co-op in order to win a prize.  I hope you did and you win!

Have a great day, whatever you do.


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