Friday, February 18, 2011

Play and Learn

Bible Trivia Answers:
#1 Joshua 6:1-27 They obeyed God by marching around the city.
#2 Joshua 24:15 "...we shall serve Jehoavah."
#3 Numbers 13: 8, 16 Hoshea and Jehoshua
#4 Jehovah

How did you do with your answers?  Let's play some more. Now for today's Bible trivia I want you to think about how man's life spans has shortened since Adam and why that is.
#1 Name the three oldest living humans on record. 
#2 When did the life span of man drastically start to grow smaller?
#3 What women where privileged to be ancestresses of Jesus?
#4 What does the name Joshua mean?

#1- Jared Gen. 5:18, Noah Gen. 9:29, Methuselah Gen. 5:27
#2- After the flood
#3- Rahab Matt. 1:5, Ruth, Bathsheba Matt. 1:6, Mary Matt. 1:16
#4- Jehovah is Salvation

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